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I honestly don’t really know how to start this blog. I am currently on a walk in Gainesville, Georgia. I thought I was going to be on my way to the airport right now, but things change. So long story short, another girl on my team and I tested positive for Covid. When I tell you my heart DROPPED  when I opened the email to see my results. This exact thing happened to my squad on my last race. We were supposed to launch, but the Lord had other plans. 

  I won’t lie, all the negative feelings instantly flooded in my brain when I got my results. I couldn’t see any positive and I was only thinking about the negative. I simply just wanted to get on the plane and get to South Africa. For the past couple months, I’ve been thinking about this trip and praying about this trip and that’s all my brain was thinking about was the next season instead of really being in the season that I was in during the summer. I think this was a sign from the Lord that if I wasn’t gonna choose to rest, he was going to find a way for me to, but I still was just overcome with all of the anxious thoughts flooding through my brain. And it didn’t exactly help that I will be spending my 20th birthday stuck quarantined in a room haha, but  the Lord quickly showed me the good.

  The day we found out our results, we were getting the rain coming in from hurricane Ida. We kind of jokingly said that the Lord is crying with us, and He was crying hard. The rain was coming down hard. but as I am writing this/voice recording this blog, I am experiencing one of the prettiest days for as long as I can remember.  The sun shining and the breeze is blowing, everything‘s extra green today. 

As I was doing my devotional this morning, the Lord reminded me that the storm is only for a time it’s not forever. And the things that come after are so beautiful. That’s some thing I’m having to remember during this time. It’s hard having to stay away from people especially when I just want to go up to my girls and give them the biggest hug, but there’s beauty in the distance. I am able to sit in my quarantine room and hear the sweet laughter of my team wafting through the house. Those 6 feet allow me to see from the outside, to see the smiles in the laughter and to truly see the girls on my team the way that the Lord does. To see their servant hearts, bringing me food every meal and making me feel loved from afar. It’s like the Lord, he doesn’t always feel close in proximity but he’s always there. I can feel him in the wind I can see him in the branches blowing and in the sun shining down on me. i’m choosing to use this time to let him speak to me and fully prepare my heart for what we’re about to go do in South Africa. To believe that his timing is perfect and to trust that he knows what’s best. it’s hard after already going through this exact situation in January, and now having to go through it again. But I am just constantly reminded of the ways that he worked during that season and encouraged that he will do the same thing again. The Israelites waited 40 years for their promised land, and Im going to be OK waiting another week. 

2 responses to ““the storm is only for a time, you just gotta hold out for the rainbow””

  1. oh my goodness lillabug i am so proud of you. couldn’t be more blessed to call you soul sister. thank you God for being so gracious to show us a glimpse of what He is doing and to invite us into rest with Him. i love you forever

  2. Lilly, we are praying for you and your team. Thank you for your beautiful perspective on a disappointing time. Our plans are not always His, but His are the best for sure!!! We love ya!!!