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  HEY EVERYBODY! Ok so we made it to Costa Rica!! The devil was doing all he could to keep us from going, but our God is stronger. 

  While we were still in Georgia, we were at a campground where life seemed to move pretty slow. We went on walks, we had dance parties, we made brownies, and we abided…big time. There was so much space for worship and just simply r resting in His presence. 

  One day, out squad mentor, Hailey, spoke to us on Creation and how all of Creation praises its Creator. The stars can’t help but sing His praises, the ocean can’t help but roar of His might. While I was sitting there thinking of all the beautiful things Ive seen and experience, my Uncle Dude kept coming to mind. My Uncle Dude is one of the coolest people I know. He takes life by the reigns and experiences all that it has to offer. He has pushed me out of my comfort zone. He has seen all that life has to offer and he truly wants to share that with people. He has taken me out kayaking and helped me find the biggest waves to bodyboard on. One specific time comes to mind when we went biking together. We rode and rode on the flat concrete roads for a while, but then he decided we should go out on the beach to ride them. Now I have little to no confidence in my athletic abilities, so the second he started inching toward the sand, I got a little worried. We started out in the loose, dry sand and man, I was huffing and puffing up a storm. My legs were giving out, it was hot and to say I was struggling would be and understatement. But then he led me to the sand closer to the water where the sand is packed down. Suddenly, I felt like I was flying, just simply following the tracks of my Uncle Dude, trusting him to get me where I need to go. This is like life with Jesus. Sometimes we are going to be peddling through sand that feels impossible to get through, and sometimes we are going to feel like we are flying and gliding through life. Whatever “sand” you feel like you’re in right now, Jesus is going to get you to where you need to be. You just have to simply follow His tracks.