HEY EVERYBODY! Welcome to this crazy, wild adventure that God has led me to!! This past year, I was able to be attend the University of Georgia! It was an experience that I am so thankful for, but I constantly felt that there was something lacking. I so badly wanted to just surrender my life to God, but it is hard with so many distractions that would keep me from looking to Him. I let my insecurities and selfishness keep me from completely giving my life up to God. In the upcoming year, I will serve our amazing God in Guatemala, Costa Rica, South Africa, and Thailand!! I will have nothing to lean on apart from Him. I know this will be not be easy, but I know I will come out the other side knowing what it means to truly take up my cross and follow Him. The Lord has been so kind to me and loved me in ways I truly can’t comprehend or explain, and I want others to experience that love and hear the amazing news of our Jesus! I want to meet people, face-to-face, across the world, and tell them that they are loved and seen and made righteous in Christ! I want to hug them and remind them that there is so much hope for the future because we have a God that wants to be in communion with us! I so often take that for granted, but He stays constant. I still can’t believe that this is all real. God wants us to step out of comfort zone because all we have to trust in is Him, and He is all we need. Thank you all for joining me in this adventure, and please pray that lives will be changed and broken hearts will be made whole in His name! Our Father is a healer, a comforter, a provider, a friend, and so much more. LETS SHARE THAT GOOD NEWS WITH THE WORLD! Thank you thank you thank you! I can’t wait to see what is in store!
lillabug, i am so very proud of you. keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and He will guide your heart and mind.
Wonderfully written, I can hear your heart. Tell me how to make a contribution. Do you know new locations or time table yet? Praying for you Lilly
hello!! Thank you so much for reaching out, this means so much! You can donate above by pressing the orange “Donate” button! I’m so sorry it took so long to get back to you but I hope God is blessing you in this crazy time! And yes we will now be going to Central America and Cambodia for six months! God bless!