HEY EVERYBODY! My name is Lilly and if the Lord allows, I with be leaving in September for a 9-month missions trip to serve our amazing God in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Thailand, and South Africa! Just a little forewarning, I am not the best at introducing myself because I never really know what I should share! My go-to fun fact is that my middle name is Flowers:) but I will try my best to let you all know a little about myself!
Soooo basically I am an 18-year old college student from Athens, GA whose hobbies include finding music that makes me feel like I’m in a movie, driving without a destination, being a nanny to some of the cutest kids on the planet, watching the skies change colors, and doing things that scare me but that I know will be amazing! (exhibit A: the world race!) Now those are the things that I think make me sound kinda cool lol, but I also have some more realistic hobbies. These include sleeping in, procrastinating pretty much everything, starting books and forgetting to finish them, and not being intentional enough with people that I love. But you know what’s cool? Jesus loves me anyways. He loves me at my best and at my worst. He loves me when life is going great and when I feel like I’m failing. It’s so freeing living in that knowledge. I don’t have to put on a show for God. He already knows me, flaws and all. I am so grateful for this opportunity and I know that God is going to reveal so much to me on this trip. I am living in the knowledge that I am known and loved by the King. Yes, there are SO many flaws in me, but in Christ, I am made whole.
Thank you all for coming along with me on this journey! Many updates to come!